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Read Vivekachudamani in English

Vivekchudamani (Vivekachudamani in English) is a famous text composed in Sanskrit language by Adi Shankaracharya, in which Advaita Vedanta has been interpreted. In this, the importance of Brahmanishtha, the means of attainment of knowledge, question-formulation, the importance of self-knowledge, Panchapran, self-formulation, how will liberation, the fruit of self-knowledge, etc. It is believed that this text contains the essence of all the Vedas. Shankaracharya composed this book in his childhood.

Read here in one click ~ Vivekchudamani in Hindi

The title Vivekchudamani (Vivekachudamani in English) translates to Crest Jewel of Discrimination. The text begins with a salutation to Govinda, which can be interpreted with reference to either the Lord or his guru Sri Govinda Bhagavatpada. It then explains the importance of self-realization, the ways to reach it, and the characteristics of a guru. It criticizes attachment to the body and goes on to explain the various saris, kosas, gunas, senses, and prana that constitute anatman. It teaches the disciple how to attain self-realization, the methods of meditation (dhyana), and introspection of the soul. Vivekachudamani describes the characteristics of an enlightened human being (Jeevanmukt) and a person of steady knowledge (Sthirapragya) along the lines of the Bhagavad Gita.

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