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Read Sunderkaand in English

Sunderkand (Sunderkand in English) is basically a part (Kand or Sopan) of Valmiki’s Ramayana. Sundarkand is also present in Goswami Tulsidas’s Shri Ram Charit Manas and Ramayana of other languages. The great works done by Hanuman ji are described in Sunderkand. The text of Sundarkand is considered to be of special importance in the Ramayana text. In Sunderkand, the events of Hanuman’s departure to Lanka, from Lanka Dahan to Lanka’s return come. The main events of this step are – Hanuman ji’s departure to Lanka, meeting Vibhishana, meeting Sita and giving him the ring of Shri Ram, killing Akshay Kumar, Lanka Dahan and return from Lanka.

Read here in one click ~ Sunderkand in Hindi

In Sunderkand, the entire journey of Hanuman ji to Lanka in search of Sita Mata has been beautifully described.

Hanuman ji has been praised in “Sundarkand”. Whereas the beautiful form of Shri Ram, his life span, nature, ideals have been sung in the entire Ramayana, Sunderkand is such a part which only speaks about the valor of Hanuman ji. SundarKand is the oldest composition centered on Hanuman ji. It is believed that the recitation of Sundarkand fulfills all the wishes.


Sunderkand in English Story:-

The description of the great works done by Hanuman ji is found in Sunderkand. Hanuman ji left for Lanka in search of Mother Sita in the month of Chetra. Marg Sursa took the test of Ram devotee Hanuman ji and blessed him after finding him capable. Then Hanuman ji killed the shadow-catching demon. Reached Lanka and entered Lanka by attacking Lankini. Hanumanji met Vibhishan. Then in Ashokavatika, Hanuman ji met mother Sita and gave her the ring of Ram.

Ravana’s son Kshay Kumar was killed when Hanuman ji destroyed Ashok Vatika. Indrajit took Hanuman captive to the assembly. In Ravana’s meeting, Hanuman introduced himself as the messenger of Rama. Ravana burnt Hanuman ji’s tail and Hanuman ji burnt Lanka.

Hanuman ji reached Sita after burning Lanka and Sita bid farewell to Hanuman by giving her Chudamani. Hanuman ji met all the monkeys after crossing the sea and all went back to Sugriva.


Benefits of Sunderkand lesson:-

The biggest advantage of the Sunderkand text is that it can liberate the readers and listeners/recipients from the cycle of birth and death as preached by Lord Shiva to Parvati. Negative energies, obstacles, sinful tendencies, impending dangers and diseases go away. One gets material and spiritual happiness for a life of service and devotion to God. Like Hanuman ji one can be blessed with wisdom, courage, optimism, compassion and selfless love or devotion for God, provided Sundarkand is recited with faith and devotion.

Traditionally, the Ramcharitmanas Sunderkand recitation begins and ends with a prayer to Lord Rama. Sunderkand is recited continuously with complete mental absorption and faith in divine pastimes. While reciting Sunderkand, no one should get up and leave in the middle. Usually it should be done on Tuesdays and Saturdays in the morning or evening and sweet boiled milk is offered to the Lord.


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