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kathopanishad in English

One of the most famous of the Upanishads is the Kath Upanishad. Kathopanishad (kathopanishad in English) is under the Katha branch of Krishna Yajurveda. The Kathopanishad has two chapters and each chapter has three sections. It has 119 verses. This Upanishad also begins with the Shantipatha which is unique to the Krishna Yajurveda. The purpose of Shantipath is to remove the obstacles in the study.

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In Kathopanishad (kathopanishad in English), a very detailed description of Brahma Vidya has been given in the form of a dialogue between Yama and Nachiketa. His narration style is very lucid and simple. In Shrimadbhagwadgita also many of its verses are mentioned literally and in other places. Like other Upanishads, where there is a serious discussion of philosophy, Nachiketa’s character also presents a unique ideal in front of the readers.

It certainly deserves the most careful consideration by all who are interested in the development of religious and philosophical thought. It does not appear to be what we have in its original form, as it bears clear marks of some later additions. In fact, the same story is told in the Taittiriya Brahmana, with the only difference being that in the Brahmana liberation from death and birth is achieved by performing a specific yagya, while in the Upanishad it is achieved only by knowledge.

The Kathopanishad is a practical treatise written to help us achieve a very real goal. It is not least a collection of Brahmanical speculations, which should be studied from a purely intellectual point of view. On the contrary, it is a demonstration of the ancient path that leads from death to immortality, a path that is as open today as it was when our text was written. Being the real path, its knowledge is not limited to any one country or any one religious tradition.

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