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Atharva Veda in English

Read Atharva Veda in English Atharvaveda (Atharva Veda in English) is the fourth order of the four sacred Vedas of Hinduism. Atharvveda is also called Brahmaveda, it has mantras of praise of gods, medicine, science, and philosophy. The king in whose kingdom a scholar of Atharvaveda resides remains engrossed in establishing peace in that kingdom. That state remains free from […]


Sam Veda in English

Read Sam Veda in English The oldest religious texts of Indian culture are the Vedas, which are divided into four parts, the Rigveda, the Yajurveda, the Samaveda, and the Atharvaveda. In the Vedas of this wonderful knowledge fund, the place of Sam veda (Sam Veda in English) comes in the third order. There are a total of 1875 musical mantras […]


Yajurveda in English

Read Yajurveda in English Yajurveda (Yajurveda in English) is famous as the second Veda among the four Vedas. Which is believed to have been composed by a mixture of Rigvedic hymns, because 663 mantras of Rigveda are also found in Yajurveda. Still, it cannot be said that both are the same book. Mantras of Rigveda are verse, while the Gadyatiko […]


Rig veda in English

Read Rig Veda in English Definition of Rig veda (Rig veda in English) (Rik meaning position and knowledge) Rigveda is the first Veda which is verse. The first early source of Sanatan Dharma is Rigveda. Yajurveda, Samveda and Atharvaveda all three have been composed from Rigveda itself. The Rigveda is the verse Veda, the Yajurveda is the prose Veda and […]
