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Bhrigu Samhita in English

The Bhrigu Samhita (Bhrigu Samhita in English) is an important and ancient treatise of Indian astrology that is to have been written by Maharishi Bhrigu. This literature is essentially the world’s first astrological book, providing detailed information on the past, future, and present. The value of Bhrigu Samhita stems from the fact that it accurately describes the horoscopes of millions of people and the events of their lives, allowing predictions about the person reading it.

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Maharishi Bhrigu was one of the Saptarishis, who are revered in Hinduism. He is claimed to have created this text by transcending time with his divine insight. The material in Bhrigu Samhita is based on the individual’s horoscope, the location of the planets, and their influence on their life.

Astrologers benefit greatly from studying the Bhrigu Samhita (Bhrigu Samhita in English) since it allows them to assess a person’s horoscope and forecast his future. This provides a full description of a person’s karma, future occurrences, and their effects.


This book contains more than 5 million horoscopes in which he has written the fate of every being in the universe. According to popular tradition, only one hundredth of these have survived to this age.

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The first chapter of Bhrigu Samhita, a three-part book, gives basic and essential information. The second chapter contains predictions of the horoscopes of the ascendants. Topics such as predictions related to the conjunction of planets, high-low, Moola Trikon, predictions related to the Mahadasha of planets in friendly and enemy signs have been described in the third chapter. Thus, this book has become extremely useful for the common reader. Certainly, even people who are completely unaware of the science of astrology and are less educated will be able to take considerable benefit from it.

Jyotish is a Vedanga, or section of the Vedas. Ancient sages and rishis studied the Vedas, with the Saptarishis being the most well-known. Bhrigu was one of the saptarishis. He is Lord Brahma’s manasputra (wish-born son), and he was created to help in the creation process.

Bhrigu Samhita (Bhrigu Samhita in English) is an astrological classic written by Maharshi Bhrigu during the Vedic period, although available evidence suggests that it was compiled by various students of Bhrigu over a period of time. It is a confirmed fact that Saint Bhrigu was the first compiler of predictive astrology, known as the fifth Veda of Treta Yuga, an ancient era of the beginning of Hindu culture, He compiled about 5 lakh horoscopes with the help of Lord Ganesha and recorded their details and events along with the age of the individuals.

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