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Ashtavakra Gita in English

Ashtavakra Gita (Ashtavakra Gita in English) is the crown jewel of Indian spirituality, which cannot be compared with any other book. Each of its sutras will solve the mysteries of your births and rebirths as if they never existed. Like Shrimad Bhagwat Gita, this too is a dialogue between the Guru and the disciple, but there is a difference in the context of both. While Arjun’s questions are about ‘duty’, in Ashtavakra Gita, the questions are about philosophy and salvation.

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Where is happiness? What is the cause of sorrows? What is bondage? What is liberation? What is the world? Who am I? Ashtavakra Gita is a most sacred book that provides answers to many such profound questions of life, in which Guru Ashtavakra has given philosophy to King Janak without any hesitation.

Ashtavakra Gita, one of the most ancient classical spiritual texts given to us by the sage Ashtavakra, is a seminal text of immense intensity, power and purity. Every word of this spiritual Ashtavakra Gita is capable of making a deep impact on the reader. The words are filled with so much power that the reader is automatically inspired to follow the path of self-enquiry.

In the Srimad Bhagavad Gita, while Arjuna understood the way of karma after listening to the teachings of Shri Krishna, he kept fluctuating between happiness and sadness. Whereas here, King Janak became disembodied after listening to the teachings of Ashtavakra.


Ashtavakra Gita is an ancient Indian text based on the principles of Advaita (non-dualism) of Vedanta. This dialogue is a brief and extremely profound dialogue between King Janak and sage Ashtavakra. The main purpose of this text is to shed light on the path to self-knowledge and attainment of salvation.

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Ashtavakra Gita is divided into 20 chapters, and has a total of 298 verses. Each chapter explains an important step towards enlightenment and liberation.

Ashtavakra Gita is a unique dialogue. There have been many dialogues in the world of spiritual practice, but this dialogue is absolutely unmatched. This dialogue took place between Ashtavakra, the son of Kahod Rishi, and King Janak. Ashtavakra had eight crooked body parts, so he was called Ashtavakra.


Ashtavakra Gita is an inspirational text, which inspires a person towards enlightenment. It teaches that true liberation can be achieved only by understanding the true nature of the soul. The simple and profound teachings of Ashtavakra Gita are worth studying and following even today, as it reveals the eternal truth of enlightenment.

The study of this text shows the path to free a person from the bonds of life and death, and leads him to eternal peace and happiness.


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