Gitavali in English
In terms of Tulsidasji’s works, Gitavali (Gitavali in English) is the second most important after Ramcharitmanas. It describes the entire Ramacharit in verses. But its narration style is somewhat different from that of Ramayana. Ramayana is an epic, it contains complete information about all the emotions; there one can see a deep analysis of all the emotions of the poet’s heart. But in Gitavali, the poet has the same emotion from the beginning to the end; he is not interested in the sequence of the story but is engaged in giving a sweet glimpse of his beloved god.
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Gitawali is an important poetic composition of Goswami Tulsidasji. Gitavali is considered to be one of the definitive compositions of Tulsidasji. This composition is a composition of songs composed by Tulsidasji in Braj language in which some incidents, glimpses, poignant emotional points, Lalit Rasa Sthal, Karundsha (situation) etc. of the life of Lord Shri Ram have been described. Goswami Tulsidasji has divided the composition of Gitavali into seven parts. The division of the story in these parts is almost like that in ‘Ramcharitmanas’.
In Gitavali (Gitavali in English), there is a very clear and heart touching description of Lord Shri Ram’s childhood antics, Bharat Milaap, Jatayu’s rescue, Vibhishan’s surrender, Sitaji’s separation and other very beautiful and pathetic feelings. In the beginning of Balkand, there is a very unique description of Lord’s child form, in the end, his teenage form by women in Janakpur, in Ayodhyakand, the Lord’s ascetic attire by village women and in Uttarkand, his royal attire.
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In this, Braj Bhasha is included as a poetic language, but it can be said that the language of Gitavali is almost Awadhi language except for pronouns and verbs. This composition, like his other epic compositions, is a great picture of ideal and literary importance.
Brajbhasha has been used in Gitavali to express the feelings of devotion and love. Goswami Tulsidas has also summarized the relevant parts of the story of Ramcharitmanas in it. The songs of Gitavali are dominated by the feelings of Ram devotion, love, humility, meditation, and service. It is filled with the uniqueness of Bhakti Rasa and it immerses them in unique love for God.
Gitawali (Gitavali in English) is a unique religious and literary text that reveals the devotion of Tulsidas and his literary skills. It supports the highest ideals of Indian literature with creativity, devotion and simplicity.
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